May 17th 1979
April 26th 2007

Memories of Friends
Rio Buehler (Oroville)
May 2, 2007
Now, as in life, Nai continues to gather her amazing friends from the corners of the earth. Nai, We will miss your wit, your outgoing warmth, your generous heart.
Rio Buehler (Oroville)
Allison Combee (Winder, GA)
May 2, 2007
Although I had only known Nai for a few months, it was long enough to feel a great fondness for her and I looked forward to getting to know her much better. She always looked like she was having a good time and she made us laugh a lot. She was a bright smile on cloudy days.
Allison Combee (Winder, GA)
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Brenda Cleveland (Atlanta, GA)
May 2, 2007
Our prayers go out to Nai's family and friends. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to work with Nai. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Brenda Cleveland (Atlanta, GA)
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Terri Dawson (Lawrenceville, GA)
May 2, 2007
With a spring in her step and a smile on her face, that is the way I will always remember Naiyareh bounding down the halls of Sharon Ware & Associates. She was by far one of the nicest, most sincere attorneys with which I have worked. The secretary in our office that worked most directly with Naiyareh had been away on maternity leave and when she was due back Naiyareh was eager to head up the welcome back Allison committee. She knew it would be a struggle for Allison to leave the baby and return to work. Naiyareh tried ever so hard to make Allison's transition back to work as pleasant as she possibly could. We are so sad that we did not have more time with her and we miss her so much.
To her family, we are so very sorry for your loss. My mother always says that where ever I go I am a reflection on her and the way she raised me. That being said, Naiyareh was a wonderful reflection on her parents and all parents should be so lucky as to have children that turn out like her.
Terri Dawson (Lawrenceville, GA)
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Toqeer Chouhan (Atlanta, GA)
May 2, 2007
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Toqeer Chouhan (Atlanta, GA)
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Sarah Tosone (Atlanta, GA)
May 2, 2007
To Nai's family,
I am so so sorry for your loss. I went to both Emory and GSU Law with Nai. Her locker was right by mine in law school, and I will always remember her smiling face and warm and friendly greetings each day we had class. I last saw her at an all day pro bono CLE to become a guardian at litem for the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers. Nai was enthusiastic and approached the head of the program on our first break to talk to her about how she could help the kids and get started. I was really moved by that. I was also really touched by how many details she remembered about my life even though we hadn't seen each other or spoken since we graduated almost two years ago.
I just can't say enough nice things about Nai, and I am just so shocked and saddened by what has happened. I can only imagine what her family and closest friends are going through. You are all in my prayers.
Sarah Tosone (Atlanta, GA)
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Dana Davis (Bethlehem, GA)
May 2, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
I am the new girl here at Sharon Ware & Associates and I have only had the pleasure of knowing her for about 3 months. It did not take long to see that Naiyareh was a wonderful person. She always had a smile on her face and candy dish on her desk for everyone to enjoy. She recently introduced us to Baklava and taught us the correct way to pronounce "Iran".
My thoughts and prayers go out to all her friends and family. She was such a sweet girl and will be greatly missed.
Dana Davis (Bethlehem, GA)
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Abena King (Marietta, GA)
May 2, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
Once, a very long time ago when one of my daughters was a young Baha'i Sunday School pupil, she asked me (with a very worried expression on her face): "Mama, if when we die we'll no longer have our bodies, how will I be able to recognize you? And how will you be able to recognize me in the next world?" I assured her with the full force of my being, that no matter where she went, in this life or the next; no matter where I might go, in this life or the next, I would always search for her until I found her. And no matter what she wore or didn't wear; no matter the body she might or might not inhabit, I would, at a glance of her soul, immediately recognize her.
My Dear Sister and Brother, whose Little Dove has taken flight, she is no further from you now than she was from California to Georgia. She is, in truth, even closer.
I pray that your hearts will be healed. And though I never had the honor of meeting this Sweet Soul who has departed this realm, I am so proud and thankful of what a young, loving, strong, hard working, selfless and beautiful warrior you reared.
And I pray God that I shall one day have the honor of meeting Your Dove in His presence, on the other side.
Aena King (Marietta, GA)
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Rich & Pat Lopez (Reno, NV)
May 2, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
We still remember the first day we met Nai. She was four or five years old and came to our garage sale with her father that was around the block from her house. We knew then that she was special. Our daughter, Jessica, also attended Sunnybrae School and a friendship evolved. We are very saddened to hear of her passing and our hearts go out to you.
Rich & Pat Lopez (Reno, NV)
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Marc Wurdinger (San Mateo)
May 3, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
Even though I had only seen her once in the past 10 years Nai was happy to see me and eager to catch up. Nai was one best I have ever known. The world is a better place because she lived her life the way she lived it and touched so many people.
Marc Wurdinger (San Mateo)
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Fernando Morales (Hayward, CA)
May 3, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
I never got a chance to thank Nai for making me laugh all those years in middle school and High School.
Your contagious smile will never escape me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Fernando Morales (Hayward, CA)
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Mondonna Mostofi (San Francisco, CA)
May 3, 2007
Dear Goli and Mahmood,
I cannot find the words to express to you how deeply sorry I am for your loss. Nai was a very special person with an infectious smile and a warm heart. She was an amazing person whom I will always remember and greatly miss. With deepest sympathy.
Mondonna Mostofi (San Francisco, CA)
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Tiffany Hall (Belmont, CA)
May 3, 2007
I will never forget Nai's incredible spirit and enthusiasm. My thoughts and prayers are with Nai's family and friends during this difficult time.
Tiffany Hall (Belmont, CA)
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Denise Diskin (San Francisco, CA)
May 4, 2007
I remember Nai's great personality from high school- she was truly caring towards everyone. I'm so sorry for her loss to her friends, family, and community.
Denise Diskin (San Francisco, CA)
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Mahsa Kashani (San Ramon, CA)
May 4, 2007
Beyond being a great friend, Naiyareh had a kind, gentle and motivating spirit. She was infectious, captivating and so incredibly memorable. Though she may be gone, she will never be forgotten.
Mahsa Kashani (San Ramon, CA)
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Gary Steele and Family (San Mateo)
May 4, 2007
We have such wonderful and fond memories of watching Nai grow-up. We hold her and her family dear and near to our hearts and in our memories. The Steele Family.
Gary Steele and Family (San Mateo)
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Amber Morrison (Washington, DC)
May 5, 2007
Nai was a charming and intelligent young woman with an infectious smile. I admired her spirit and ambition and she will truly be missed. My prayers are with her family, co-workers and close friends.
Amber Morrison (Washington, DC)
Jessica (Lopez) Pelaez (San Mateo, CA)
May 6, 2007
I met Nai when I was 4 years old. I knew from a young age that Nai was not just an ordinary person. She was special in every aspect. We went to Sunnybrae and Borel and walked to school together because we lived around the corner from each other. She was always about a half block in front of me because she said "speed walking was good for you!" I still giggle when I think about it. She was such a warm hearted and friendly person to everyone and will be missed deeply. My thoughts and prayers go out to her whole family. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Jessica (Lopez) Pelaez (San Mateo, CA)
Alison Reed (Sacramento, CA)
May 8, 2007
I met Nai when I was 10. She was an amazing person with such a bright spirit that did not fade with passing years. I miss her every day and am humbled and thankful to have had such a wonderful, loyal, honest friend. She will never be forgotten.
Alison Reed (Sacramento, CA)
Lauren Verby (San Francisco, CA)
May 8, 2007
I had known Nai since middle school, she was a year older than I was. One thing that always struck me about her as being amazing was her self confidence. Nai did Nai, she didn't fall into trends or cliques or anything that were very easy to associate with middle school/high school. She believed in herself you could tell,and believed in her intelligence and what she had to offer the world. I always admired her from afar and was very saddened to hear of this tragedy.My thoughts to her family and her friends. She was remarkable and her legacy will live on.
Lauren Verby (San Francisco, CA)
Rosemary Mayer (Orange County, CO)
May 8, 2007
Nai and I have been friends since middle school. Just a few years ago, when I was getting a divorce, Nai wrote me an encouraging letter. I still have that letter up on my wall. Nai never judged me; instead, she made me feel unashamed and at peace. Nai always gave to others and never demanded anything in return.
I miss you Nai.
Rosemary Mayer (Orange County, CO
Soraya Karimi Manesh (Italy)
May 10, 2007
I can't believe you have gone. Please pray for all your international family. In Italy, all national baha'i' community pray for you and your parents. Please Nai, give us the force to live without your smile and your wonderful heart. We love you.
Your Italian cousins,
Soraya, Sirus, Sohrab
Mary Barger (Gilroy, CA)
May 10, 2007
I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the terrible sense of it.
With love and sympathy,
Mary and Mike Barger
Stacia Skinner (Sunnyvale, CA)
May 11, 2007
Nai - you accomplished more in your short 27 years than most do in their entire life. To have touched so many people and to have had such a huge impact on so many areas of the world, indeed speaks to the sort of person you were.
It's taken me weeks to be able to come to terms with your death - it just seems so senseless to take such a wonderful person from us so soon.
My heart goes out to Carelle & Mahmood - her loving and very capable parents - bless the both of you for raisng such a wonderful person. The only thing we can do now is celebrate Nai's beautiful life and hold those fond memories forever in our hearts.
Stacia Skinner (Sunnyvale, CA)
Rebecca Shiu (Hamilton) (Sydney, Australia)
May 14, 2007
I met Nai at San Mateo High School. She was the most spirited and driven person that I have ever met. I was so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
Rebecca Shiu (Hamilton) (Sydney, Australia)
Andrea St. Clair (Sacramento, CA)
May 23, 2007
I first met Nai in the sixth grade: she was sitting in band class with a huge grin on her face: "Do you play the saxophone too?" Nai was an extraordinary person, always reaching for the top. Along her path, she inspired each person to aim for the best they could be. Although I have not seen Nai in many years, she will always remain close to my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this time. She will not be forgotten.
Andrea St. Clair (Sacramento, CA)
Rena Seidler (Atlanta, GA)
May 23, 2007
Nai and I met at GSU and in just a few short years she became one of my closest friends. She was already ready with a quick smile, a quirky look, or a warm hug...whatever I needed. She had the most amazing ability to turn mundane activities into wonderful events and brighten even the dullest room with her presence. I am a better person for having known her, and I consider myself blessed in having the time with her that I did and in knowing that we were friends.
Rena Seidler (Atlanta, GA)
Nicole Hamamura (Tustin, CA)
May 31, 2007
My mother just shared the sad news with me. My deepest sympathies are with the Karimimanesh family during this time of sadness. I met Nai at Borel and quickly became good friends with her. She was a wonderful person and a terrific friend to me. After middle school we lost touch.. but I always thought of her from time to time and wondered what she was up to.. I wondered if she fulfilled her dream to be a brain surgeon..(her aspirations while she was at Borel)...after reading the obituary I can see that she was able to achieve alot of wonderful things... I will never forget the happy memories I had with her...the surprise party she helped throw for me or the time she came to my house for a sleepover and drew with makeup on my face.. I will miss you Nai.
Nicole Hamamura
Soraya Karimi Manech (Italy)
July 2, 2007
Dear Nai
Has passed two month since your departure and is so terrible for us your Italian cousins think to not to see more your wonderful smile. Every day we prayer for you, your parents and all our international family.
Nay, please help us to live without your voice!
Soraya, Sirus, Sohrab Karimi Manesh (Italy)
Shadi Saboori (Atlanta, GA)
July 10, 2007
I miss you girl!!! I miss your pushy nature! I miss your inquisitive eyes and your perfect Persian dialect. I miss your bakhlavas, I miss your hearty laughter, I miss your thoughts, I miss your kindness. Your presence was HUGE, and now a big loud silence remains. You have left a serious mark in our Baha'i community. We all miss you. I am praying for you and look forward to seeing you in the next realm... hoping you will be there to greet me and coach me through it. I love you joonam!!!
Shadi Saboori (Atlanta, GA)
Paul Wersant (Atlanta, GA)
January 17, 2008
I tutored Nai to help her in passing the Georgia bar exam.
She would have been a fine attorney, who put her heart into everything and a equally fine person. Her loss is deeply felt.
Our prayers are with her and her family.
Laura Shaw (Washington, DC)
January 30, 2008
Nai: From being a year behind you at Sunnybrae, Borel and SMHS, you were always someone I could look up to. I will never forget the day we made it to CCS. Thank you for all of the smiles you gave me. You are missed.
Laura Shaw (Washington, DC)
Soraya Karimi Manesh (Italy)
June 4, 2008
Dear Nai,
The time passed but our hearts are so sad for your departure. We feel so alone without you. We miss your voice and your wonderful smile. Help us to live without you! Your Italian Cousins,
Soraya, Sirus, Sohrab Karimi Manesh.
Mitzi A Alarcon (Santiago, Chile)
June 6, 2008
My sympathies are with Nai's Family, My name is Mitzi Alarcon and we used to be friends with Nai all through High School, I am sorry for the lateness, I am currently living in Santiago Chile, and I just found out that Nai Passed Away, today is June the 6 2008, I am really sorry that I wasn´t in the Funeral, I remember Nai used to help me alot and she always was the best at everything, always taking pictures, always smiling.. Rest In peace dear Friend, and God Bless you alwways, Love you.
Your friend Always.
Mitzi Alarcon Tondreau.
Soraya Karimi Manesh (Italy)
December 22, 2008
It is passed one year and half and our pain is so big for your departure. We miss a lot, dear Nai! It is so hard to think that we can't hug you, smile with you and see your wonderful laughter. We are following in other world. With love,
Your Italian cousins Soraya, Sirus and Sohrab Karimi Manesh.